Tag: movies

  • How to find out what’s on Netflix and Hulu?

    Sometimes people want to find a movie or TV show on one of the big 3 streaming platforms—Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime—without having to subscribe to all 3 subscription services. Here’s some streaming search engines with what’s showing now: ReelGood.com – track, browse, and watch shows and movies across 50+ streaming services, for free and no…

  • Poll Results: How Many Christians Watch R-Rated Movies

    via christiancinema.com and democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php  Christians Watching Rated R Movies According to ChristiaNet Poll June 25,2007 /Christian Newswire/ — ChristiaNet.com, the world’s largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, asked participants in a recent poll, “How often do you watch rated R movies?” Out of 649 Christians polled, 61% responded that they “never” watch rated R…

  • top 7 services for streaming movies – free or subscription

    Yes we know the largest libraries of online streaming videos are Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Plus, you could count Crackle too. (For this post , we’re not counting the pay-per-view streaming movies that could be purchased at online stores at iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube, and others.) But there’s more. Here’s some…